Party time

Attack of the Wordle Clones

I've been getting into Wordle clones recently and I figured I'd post some of my favorites so I can point people to a list of the good ones. I've tried to order them from closest to the original Wordle to furthest. I'll call out that my favorites are Redactle and Pimantle so definitely give those a shot.


Kinda like bejewled or something. Play here.


You must guess the next five moves from a high level chess game. Play here.


You have to swap letters with limited moves to create a waffle of words. Tough to get 5 stars. Play here.

Waffle's webpage


Guess a target word, any missed guesses will be given a rating of how close it is in meaning to the target word. Easy to be led down false paths. Play here.

Semantle's Webpage


Like semantle but with a cool graph that makes it slightly easier. Play here.

Pimantle's webpage


A wikipedia article is redacted and you have to guess words until you figure out the title. Pretty difficult. Play here.

Redactle's webpage


Guess a movie from still frames. After each wrong guess another still will show. Play here.

Framed's webpage